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In South Korea, some buildings skip labeling the "fourth floor," opting for the letter "F" instead due to a common fear of the number four — known as tetraphobia

People who consistently get less than six hours of sleep have a higher risk of dying sooner than people who consistently get six to eight hours of sleep

According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, people who make their beds each morning are 19% more likely to report a good night's sleep

Caffeine Withdrawal is officially recognized as a psychiatric condition

The "Doorway Effect" is a psychological phenomenon where walking through a doorway triggers the brain to forget

88% of American households have air conditioning, while only 20% of European households do

Your dog probably dreams about you — according to researchers, dogs likely dream about their owners' faces, smells and pleasant experiences they've had with them

n a lifetime, the average person will spend over 5 years of their life on social media

Happy birthday to my lovely sis 🎈🎈🥳🎈


Happy birthday to my lovely sis 🎈🎈🥳🎈
